In my position as a staff NLP engineer in Logically AI, I spearhead a dynamic project team, focusing on AI for Social Good initiatives in the realm of misinformation AI. I specialize in evidence-based fact-checking, employing advanced computational methods for rumor resolution, assessing information credibility, and conducting automatic analyses of disinformation, including coordinated and inauthentic behavior, propaganda, and persuasive techniques. From a computational perspective, I address challenges related to online threats, influence dynamics, and the broader landscape of fake news. My work also involves navigating the intricacies of human-and-model-in-the-loop processes to ensure comprehensive and effective outcomes.
My main research interests are LLM/generative AI, knowledge representation, statistical NLP, NLP-based machine learning modelling, weakly supervised learning, and Semantic Web with applications including semantic search, information extraction, information retrieval and knowledge base systems.
I was a research associate at the University of Sheffield, Department of Computer Science (2014 - 2020), affiliated with OAK Research Group (now Pervasive Computing) and work in the general areas of Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, human mobility tracking (urban and fine-grained/dense scenario) and large-scale information/data processing. My work in Sheffield was funded by numerous EU FP and UK government projects involving multi-national and multi-sectoral partnerships cross research institutes, government and industry. During the period, i was also serving on the program committee as reviewer for a number of academic journals / conferences / workshops, such as Journal of Natural Language Engineering, Journal of Intelligent Systems, PLOS ONE, ESWC, USEC, etc.
Prior to 2014, I was working as a KTP associate as part of a project funded by Innovate UK in Cognitive Computing Research Group, University of Westminster and ActiveStandards (now acquired by crownpeak), mainly carrying out R&D for new semantic systems and services on ActiveStandards platform. Prior to that, I was studying Web Technology in the University of Southampton and was working a senior software engineer (2006 - 2010) for 4 years in a top-5 US-Chinese software service company.
When not obsessing over technology, i can be found outdoors, cycling, hiking, swimming, museum, or art gallery.
For more details, see my publications and CV.
- Oct, 2021 serve as reviewer for ACL Rolling Review (ARR)
- Oct, 2020: Glad to accept invitation and serve on the Program Committee (as reviewer) for NAACL-HLT 2021 and EMNLP
- 11th Feb, 2020: Third paper addressing early rumour detection issue accepted for an Oral presentation at LREC 2020 (see accepted papers) .
- 20th June, 2019: Second paper addressing early rumour detection issue accepted as "Full Paper" by ASONAM 2019 (acceptance rate 14%).
- 17th April, 2019: Paper about rumour detection and weak supervision accepted and selected for spotlight presentation by ICLR LLD 2019.
- 8th March, 2019: Paper about mobility tracking accepted by PervasiveHealth 2019.
- 2nd April, 2018: Paper "Mapping Mobility to Support Crisis Management" accepted for publication by ISCRAM 2018.
- 27th March, 2018: Journal paper on Personalised PageRank based Term Ranking accepted for publication by ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data(ACM TKDD)
- December 31st, 2017: a python package of TextRank algorithm jgtextrank 0.1.1 is released.
- December 6th, 2017: Paper on Bilingual Term Extraction research is presented at 2017 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), Singapore. See Conference Program
- August, 2017: Active10 Big Launch: first walking app of its kind launches to help adults be more physically active
- July, 2016: MoveMove App release to help city-wide initiative!
- June, 2016: Grant Award success for the project entitled 'SETA : An open, sustainable, ubiquitous data and service ecosystem for efficient, effective, safe, resilient mobility in metropolitan areas' (Was responsible for WP6 "Management of large scale data for large scale pervasive smart mobility" in grant-writing)
- June, 2016: Present OAK research work at ERS 2016
- May, 2016: : Present Terminology recognition with Apache Solr at LREC 2016, Slovenia.
- May, 2016: : JATE 2.0 Beta Version Release